Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Write Ups: Operating Systems~Evaluate two operating systems..

 Question: Evaluate two operating systems

Let us evaluate the two different operating systems Microsoft windows and apple Mac by comparing/contrasting between the two.
Every windows machine takes around 3-5 minutes to start up or reboot where as every Mac machine takes around 15-17 seconds to start up or reboot. Hence we can say that the Mac system starts faster and also load all the installed application automatically as soon as the system starts up, where as in windows only when the user requests or clicks on a particular application then only it loads up to open. So in Mac machine all the application are preloaded as soon as the system reboots, hence user can use any of the installed applications without waiting for it to load.
When we talk about the size of the operating again windows OS needs a space of 5GB for installation where as Mac OS needs a space of around 2GB. When we look at the installation and un- installation of OS, then definitely windows takes more time to format and reinstall when compared to Mac OS. But when we look at the accessibility perspective then windows is very much better than Mac.
Windows is compatible with all the applications say when we talk about compatibility and application support then windows is very much better than Mac systems. Hence windows OS has a very high legacy application support.
When we talk about the audio part, then definitely both Windows and Mac OS will be compared equally in audio playback. Hence the audio output quality of both the OS are same. But definitely the video quality and video playback is excellent in windows OS when compared to Mac OS.
Windows support almost all the software’s mainly audio editing software’s, video editing software’s, all kinds of antivirus, also all kinds of audio and video players etc. Hence the windows OS is always compatible with the latest application may be any business application or commercially used applications, or any personal use applications.
The user interface and user friendliness is very high in windows OS when compared to Mac OS. Hence any new user will be able to use windows application without much guidance when compared to Mac OS.
The software updates are usually with respect to technology. Hence the updates in windows OS software in much more than the updates coming up for Mac OS. This might be one of the drawbacks to windows since users have to upgrade to new version by paying extra amount to enjoy new features always.
Finally let us talk about the picture quality. Picture quality in both the OS when imported from some other device or when downloaded from web remains the same. Hence the quality of the image remains the same in both the OS.


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